Primitive values
Wing has primitive types including strings, integers, floats, booleans, etc. Here are a few basic examples.
- Strings, which can be added together with +
- Integers and floats
- Booleans, with boolean operators as you'd expect
log("Hello " + "Wing"); // Hello Wing
log("1+1 = {1+1}"); // 1+1 = 2
log("7.0/3.0 = {7.0/3.0}"); // 7.0/3.0 = 2.3333333333333335
log(true && true); // true
log(true || false); // true
log(!true); // false
Concat and Interpolate
let s1 = "Hello Wing String";
log(s1); // prints Hello Wing String
let s2 = "Interpolate: {s1}"; // string interpolation
log(s2); // prints Interpolate Hello Wing String
let s3 = "Concat: " + s1; // string concatenation
log(s3); // prints Concat: Hello Wing String
Str methods
let s = "Hello to a new Wing world";
// lets start with split
for w in s.split(" ") {
if w.startsWith("H") {
log(w); // 'Hello' starts with H
if w.length > 3 && w.lowercase() == w {
log(w); // 'world' is lowercased with more then 3 chars
if w.contains("in") && w.endsWith("g") {
log(w); // 'Wing' has in and end with g
if s.indexOf(w) == 6 {
log(w); // 'to' position is 6
if == w {
log(w); // 'a' is a single char
if s.substring(11,14) == w {
log(w); // 'new' position is 11-14
let n1 = 10;
log("{n1}"); // 10
let n2 = n1 - 10 / 10 + 1 * 10 ; // arithmetic
log("{n2}"); // 1
let n3 = 10 % 7; // modulo
log("{n3}"); // 3
let n4 = 10 \ 7; // FloorDiv
log("{n4}"); // 1
let n5 = 2 ** 10; // power of
log("{n5}"); // 1024
let n6 = (10 + 1) / (12 - 1) + (20 / 2) * 2 + 10 * 2**10 / 512 + 1;
log("{n6}"); // The meaning of the universe
let b1 = true;
let b2 = false;
if b1 && !b2 {
log("b1:{b1},b2:{b2}"); // prints b1:true, b2:false