User Story 14 - Bring CDKtf
Status: Expected released on 2023/03/02
This story focuses on opening winglang to the existing terrafrom ecosystem. This specific milestone allows you to use cdktf provider in preflight wing code.
The following milestones will be:
- bring cdktf modules
- Using
keyword to actually interact with the resource in inflight - Being able to run code that brings cdktf in the simulator
bring cloud;
bring "@cdktf/provider-aws" as aws;
resource DynamodbTable {
_table: aws.dynamodbTable.DynamodbTable;
init() {
// define a DynamoDB through a CDKtf L1 construct.
this._table = new aws.dynamodbTable.DynamodbTable(
name: "GameScores",
billing_mode: "PAY_PER_REQUEST",
hash_key: "TaskId",
attribute: [{ name: "TaskId", type: "S" }]
new DynamodbTable();